Oamaru and Banks Peninsula 43:80° S: 172:96° E

SV Jenny
Alan Franklin/Lynne Gane
Thu 21 Apr 2016 11:12
Dear Family and Friends,
16-17th April 2016
Much of the journey from Dunedin to Oamaru on the eastern
coast of South island was flatish farmland. After the spectacular scenery of
the SW and west coast, this is the gentle pastoral face of the island. So it
was with no expectations at all that we rolled into Oamaru, a pit stop on our
journey north.
Oamaru once an important port and trading post in the
goldrush days had ideas of becoming a truly noble regional capital and still
boast some fine state like buildings for the town hall, churches, banks and
gallery. These would grace any capital city, indeed it would have been good to
see them in Christchurch, (earthquakes not withstanding), and Wellington. Still
it is as if the world moved on and forgot Oamaru, now restored there is an
elegance to the especially main street. And just around the corner is home to
the eclectic Victorian precinct of craft, collectables and the downright weird.
Of particular note is the world HQ of Steam Punk, the photos may explain this
better although I had at least heard of steam punk thanks to Josh.
Having missed out on our penguin experience, blue or yellow
crested, we opted for the evening experience here in Oamaru. Evening because
they fed at sea during the day and come back to the burrows at night. So with
low lighting we were able to see them come ashore and make their way to the
protected nesting sites which reminded me of a miniature Hobbiton! The
experience was marred by several coach loads of tourists, (sorry to say
Chinese), who seemed incapable of staying in their seats, banned from taking
photos and requested to be quiet, they talked and strode about to the despair
of the guides and generally spoilt the experience for others. Never mind moan
over, we were able to see the penguins call to each other and perform strange
dances before their holes before going to sleep. Another wild life experience!
Still at a loose end, what else do you do on a wet Sunday
afternoon? We chose to go to the cheeseshop, some 10 minutes walk from the main
areas, down a sleepy side turning. Who would have thought it would be heaving,
clearly we had all had the same idea! Whitestone cheese factory make a number
of excellent cheeses, so what else but a cheese tasting platter with a glass of
vino to wash it down. Thoroughly enjoyed their award winning cheeses, the sheep
and goats hard cheeses my favourites, the award winning blue scrumptious.
18-19th April 2016
Onwards north to be close to Christchurch for Josh’s flight
on 20th April. Back home, how quickly that month has gone! If the plains to the east of the Southern
Alps were almost monotonous, the Banks peninsula to the east of Christchurch is
the antidote, volcanic remains of caldera’s form a series of steep ridges and
deep bays, jutting out some 60km or so. We drove around lakes, over sun
bleached brown grass mountains and descended into the relative greenness of
Akaroa bay. We stopped at the delightful Half Moon Cottage in Barry’s Bay, an
older house with verandas overlooking the bay and surrounding hills, a charming
garden, full of late summer flowers, and old world character rooms. A trip to
Akaroa, around the far side of the bay was almost the end of the road and bay.
It is the main town retaining many older buildings and of course a tourist
industry. Not all the effects of the Christchurch earthquake have been bad,
Akaroa now receives 70 or so cruise boats a year because they can no longer go
to Diamond bay around the other side of the peninsula, due to earthquake
20th April 2016
And now we have said goodbye to Josh for the time being. We
have done some brilliant things together and it has been a pleasure to spend
time with him.
All our best,
Lynne and Alan