Pacific crossing 07:50.7S 113:56.5W

SV Jenny
Alan Franklin/Lynne Gane
Fri 17 Apr 2015 17:01
Dear Family and Friends,
17th April 2015
Day 10 and we are over half way, all down hill from here! Only another 1492
miles to go. (Reminds me of Columbus).Weather forecasts look like the winds will
lighten so our progress may be slower, we still have 0.7 knot of current with us
and although that doesn’t sound that much against the 2.5kts we had approaching
the Galapagos Islands, it has given us an extra 228 NM of help. That’s
equivalent to just under 2 days less sailing.
All is well other than the fridge problem which seems to cutting out with
low voltage, so we are running the generator more as a temporary solution. More
parts to find when we return to the Uk. In fact the list of things to deal with
is getting longer, I think we should book in extra bags on our return tickets
All our best,
Lynne and Alan