Fw: Atlantic crossing 27:02.89 N 19:P30.69W

SV Jenny
Alan Franklin/Lynne Gane
Sun 7 Dec 2014 12:30
From: svjenny
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 8:28 PM
To: svjenny {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com ; rmagnus10 {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com ; jgane77 {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} com
Subject: Atlantic crossing 27:02.89 N 19:P30.69W Dear Family and Friends,
It is with considerable difficulty that I write this, at this moment the
sea state is rough with 2-4m swell and winds of 30 knots, great for progress, we
are making 6-7 knots with one smallish downwind sail but the movement is full of
sudden lurches. Poor Alan had to change the freezer thermostat in this heaving
sea as the intermittent fault has reoccurred, with half the freezer defrosted.
Needless to say he didn’t feel very well afterwards. After the last fault I did
buy those heinous items tinned meatballs and tinned ham as a precaution and I
may yet be using them!
Unfortunately I am also a casualty of the heaving seas having poured
boiling water over my hand during one of those lurches and managing to send
coffee over the nav table 4’ away. I was most worried about the computer in the
way, our means of communicating, being wet so rushed to sort that out first
before going to our very well stocked medical box for yet another burns
dressing. Once again I am thankful for the thorough kit provided by John at
Following the blog yesterday, I checked the bilges and found a lot of water
down there, Alan and James cleared 2.5 buckets from 2 sections, we have yet to
trace the source. The joys of boating!
We had a good sail yesterday, passing the snow capped volcanic peak of
Tenerife during the day and to the east of El Hierro during my 12-3am watch. The
moon was up and with steady winds we were doing well, 154 miles from noon to
noon. El Hierro is a lesser known Canary island, at its sw most extent. At night
we could see the whole of the eastern coast, from its northern tip to the
southern corner, it is quite small rising steadily to a central mount. Lights at
sea level defined the 2 small harbours whilst clusters of lights towards the
higher ground spoke of perhaps a town and a few small villages. One
instinctively fills in the blanks and in my imagination I pictured cliffs
between sea level and the lights, First light this morning confirmed that the
southern shores were indeed like this. As we sped away to the sw Alan set the
way mark for Antigua, a rhum line of 2407 miles as I write. However we are
likely to sail more than that as our course depending on the wind will be sw to
pick up the easterly trade winds. With an estimated average of 6 knots this will
take between 17-19 days more sailing. Alan and James changed the sails for
downwind sailing rig, in the lee of Tenerife, which was a good move as we
certainly wouldn’t have done so in todays seas.
I have yet to appreciate the 360 degrees of sea panorama as we have had an
eventful day of dramas! The motion is tiring and every trip below a struggle to
stay on our feet. We have changed course to go more down wind to improve the
motion, it will add more miles but is a blessed relief!
I have been reading up about the Caribbean and malaria. Now when I took
medical advice I dont think malaria was mentioned for the Caribbean could you
look up the details and write to us on svjenny {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com please. I have the
medication I just need to know whether to start taking it just before we arrive.
Very grateful thanks for your help if you do find anything.
All our best, hug those comfortable beds and think of us wedged to avoid
crashing about!
Lynne, Alan and James |