Pacific Crossing 10:13S 133:41W Just over 300 miles to go!
SV Jenny
Alan Franklin/Lynne Gane
Sat 25 Apr 2015 22:19
Dear Family and Friends,
25th April 2015
We are still carrying 11-15 kts of SE trades with us, just over 300 miles
to go, Yes yes! We are nearly there! It looks finely balanced as to whether we
can arrive before dark on Monday or whether we will have to lay off and anchor
on Tuesday.
Having finally given up on the freezer which was running at full power
despite failing to freeze, our power consumption has gone down and we can see
that the wind generator and solar panels are doing their job and reducing our
power usage. The water maker is run every 2-3 days and the generator daily. Dull
but you have to think about all of this, as well as gas consumption and garbage
disposal, (flattening everything to its smallest, green waste over the side and
the rest in the anchor locker where we cant smell it)!
Success on the bread front, lovely brown loaf for lunch, but we have run
out of fresh cold meats. I have to confess the tinned meat aisles of
supermarkets are entirely a foreign country to me. With the possible exception
of corned beef; I have a liking for homely corned beef hash with lashings of
tomato ketchup, yes really, we all have our comfort foods. The rest of the
offering, tinned ham and chicken, meatballs, frankfurters, meat pastes, stew,
that institution Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies, (I might have had one or two
of these)! I have no idea what they taste like nor unless desperate do I want to
find out. Well taking advice from others I have bought these items, I could
barely bring myself to check them out. But I realise that cruising these islands
with no meat left I shall need to use them and indeed I am immensely grateful to
our friends Anne and Jonathan who gave us a selection when they heard our
freezer had packed up again before we set off for the Galapagos Islands. Well
today it was a dilemma between tinned ham and pate. And it definitely said pate
on the label, perhaps it means something else in Spanish. A soggy meaty mush
tumbled from the tin, perhaps and I am being kind here it would have been more
agreeable refrigerated. It put me in mind of Shipham’s meat pastes, does anyone
still use these in sandwiches, I guess they must do. And I think Shipham’s might
have the edge over this product. I can hardly wait to open more tins of
Back to the camera manual all 200 pages of it and reorganising the photos.
Do any of you use photo editing tools, my daughter recommended Light Box, any
others you’ve tried tested and like?
All our best,
Lynne and Alan |