Les Perles 08:29.43N 79:02.19W

SV Jenny
Alan Franklin/Lynne Gane
Tue 17 Mar 2015 18:42
Dear Family and Friends,
17th March 2015
Our passage from Tabogo to Les Perles was remarkable for the patches of red
sea, thinking my polaroids must be distorting the colours, I did a reality check
and the sea really had a burgundy tinge to it with no obvious algae or weed,
very strange, I wonder whether its anything to do with the Humbolt current which
travels north from South American? Talking of which, it has been surprisingly
cool especially at night, just 8 degrees north of the equator, who would have
thought that!
Les Perles Islands lie SE of Panama City. There are maybe 15 islands and
countless rocks, islets and sandbanks in between. With careful navigation (and
the forward looking echo sounder), it is possible to anchor in unspoilt passages
between the uninhabited islands with just occasional fellow traveller for
company. Isla Contadora, a tourist resort, is the most developed. Recent reports
say this too has suffered from the economic downturn. Isla Del Rey in the SE of
the group, is the largest with 4 villages and the most populous of them is San
Miguel on the north coast. Some islands are privately owned, some like Isla
Viveros have mansions lining the north channel coast. The locals otherwise live
in small communities around the larger islands.
Les Perles you will not be surprised to hear are named after the pearls
found in their waters. The famous 31 carat Peregrina pearl worn by our own Queen
Mary Tudor came from these islands. Unlike the San Blas islands in many ways,
visitors are not assailed with goods offered from dugout canoes, there are not
so many fishermen, I think I have only spotted one. The islands are low,
tropical tree lined with rocky shores and golden beaches, the waters during our
visit, were not the clear blue the guide books promised but a brown black
cocktail of sediment. The palms of the Caribbean are not common here, flowering
trees, evergreens and mangroves line the shore, Pelicans swoop in flying
gracefully so low over the water, they could touch it if they dipped their
wings, in a line astern, gliding and flapping in synchronized harmony. Black
Frigate birds fly low too, this morning, wave after wave, their squadrons in V
formation, literally hundreds, just above the water, following its passage, an
arresting sight. We have seen fish travel on the waters surface, moving by
working their tail in the water, their bodies held upright, large rays near the
waters surface and baby jelly fish so dense in the water it is like a white and
brown soup of them.
The ‘soup’ caused us a problem as we could not run the water maker or the
generator for fear of the filters becoming quickly clogged with jelly
fish. Having exhausted our supply yesterday doing some washing, we reverted to
our emergency supplies and are currently sailing off shore enough to find clear
water. A temporary problem and soon fixed which is not the case with the
freezer! Once again it has let us down just as we have stocked it for crossing
the Pacific, I cant believe its happened, especially as the refrigeration
engineer in Lanzarote could find nothing wrong. We have turned the fridge down
in the hope of keeping frozen stuff a little longer and we have plenty of tinned
foods. Our special thanks go to Anne and Jonathan for stepping in to provide
some more, yesterday. We have said au revoir to them as we will head off to
Galapagos tomorrow and hope we will catch them there around the beginning of
April as they are sailing in the same direction, Pacific-wise.
We hope to anchor and explore a little of the coast of Isla Del Rey today
and have a good nights sleep, in preparation for the passage and, with
encouraging winds, set off for the big G at first light.
All our best,
Lynne and Alan |