Just a quickie
The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Wed 8 Sep 2010 19:46
just reached sun down here and we had a delicious (if i do say so myself) medley of baked beans (with garlic and a dash of piri-piri) fried veg w/ soy sauce (onion, pepper and mushroom) and schnizel. mmm mm!
well food is going to be the theme of of this short and oh so sweet post.
This is essentially one massive shout out to Jane for her unbelievably awesome fruit cake, i don't normally like fruit cake (like ever) but this stuff is 'mazin. I'ts the bug's dollops it is. Jane made us not 1 but 2 5kg fruit cakes, they are as heavy as they are scrummy. We have managed to stay our hands (and knives) since the first helping and are preparing to wolf down the remaining half of the first cake with a warm mug of roooibos. ahhh, this is the life!
speak to you all soon!
hope rainy old England is crappy and you miss us. :-D
P.S. the cake is seriously that good. Can we have it at xmas?
location: where Dane said.