The Final Countdown.....

The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Tue 21 Sep 2010 16:38
So. The boat is packed up, towels are washed (a lot of them) and generalled cleaned around. And yes, we did do some cleaning but didn't do the Fridge or Freezer, that miricale will have to wait for another time.
The wind has seriously picked up here, Force 6 even 7 at times. Would have been nice to sail in on that, but hay ho.
Flights are booked (thanks Kate! x), airport taxi is booked and all is ready to go. I think we are in transit for something like 9hrs in total, which is going to be well boring. But it will be very good to get back.
I think that this will be the final Blog, as I doubt Sam/Mike/Dale will doing any more.
So this is HMS Skyclad siging off......