Flotsam and then some
The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Fri 17 Sep 2010 18:44
So here we are bimbling across the Ionian Sea (the one between Italy and Greece) all day today - with the motor on sadly...
And this of all the seas feels a bit like a desert.
Plenty of man made waste here though, plastic Flotsam of all shapes and sizes.
But that's not all.
I spotted this big 'thing' off to one side earier this morning, coming into view intermittently with the rise and fall of the waves. Couldn't make out what it was, a big marine mammal maybe or a liferaft...
So we swung on over to take a look. And it was a Cow.........! Actually a Bull to be precise, floating on it's back, legs splayed open and it's Bull credentials out there.
Must have been more than 100 miles offhsore. Obviously there's a lack of sharks round here.
Otherwise, on the creature front, a couple of dolphins sauntered by, two little birds gave us a look over and a butterfly landed on board (pretty impressive feat I thought - re incarnation of Louis Blierot maybe..?.
And this little squid like looking character managed to beach himself on board. I had no idea squid could jump, or fly....
I haven't moved him yet, I'd just been reading about jelly fish and was a bit worried this fella might have had poisonous testicles......
On the subject of typos....... It seems I wrote that Mike and Sam went off rubbing together yesterday (or the day before, it all blurs) - long sea vayages of course have been known to have this effect, but in this case it was my typo - they went off for a run together, or at least that's what they said...... Came back all hot and bothered mind you...... Makes you think doesn't it.....
That's more or less the day except I cooked......oh actually that is rather big news. Two courses it was too. Yep, I'm bored.
Actually, we kept it to ourselves, but in the (fearsome) Bay of Biscay, Dane and I were so bored we cleaned things......... I kid you not.
Hope you're all well back there - F**king hot here today, doing my best to stay pale and pasty, but I think it's not working. Mike on the other hand spit roasts himself every day - oh there I go again....
Cio Bellas.