Greece and beyond

The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Sun 19 Sep 2010 20:11
We hit Greece yesterday late mornng. Some awesome little medieval port, too small for our small boat, so we went in in the RIB.
Had a beer and, best of all - real chips - good ones too.
RIBbing back to the boat I got my camera wet, thought I's rinse it off - seemed like a good idea, seems like I killed it actually. Shame, no more shots for me.
Later that day, after some sudden 35 and 40 knot winds (which gave us a bit of fun) we got to our desrtination for the evening - Galaxadis, I think it's called.
Had the most awesome salad, they whippped up spaghetti Arabiata - and guess what? More real chips. OK this feels like a holiday now............:)
Left late the next morning, some grogginess among us and no rubbing for Mike and Sam.
Hit Sinbad's Canal early PM, we were racing (and beatimg) some big arsed car carrier ship, to the entrance - when Canal control shouted at us on the radio to 'let the red one' go first - so we did, F1 style......:)
The Canal itself is just awesome, wish I had a camera................
Stopped at the far end to pay the man - and we had a beer........
And then set off across the Aegean, for Turkey.
Very busy seas, nearly got rammed by some blind fool in a very big ship, dodged hydrofoils, tuna nets and other srtuff - most eventful watch of the trip.
And we're now just a day or so from Cesme (our Turkish port of choce).
Should get there late Monday.
Tuesday we'll sort the boat out, learn what needs doing in the process (and what needs reversing to start the next trip) - and we'll be on the 10 o clock flight from Izmir with any luck.
That gives me two more chances to find a great pizza........
Catch ya all later.