"I am pretty sure we were supposed to go left back there...."

The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Fri 3 Sep 2010 22:52
Location: 43:06.91N 09:22.07W

......so all was going well, but we did have to jibe again to get back on to
course. Incidentially we are heading to Portugal, specifically a small port
called....mmmmm....I actually forget what it is called....Bayona maybe.

Again it was pitch black (tis very weird, being on a boat, in the dark with
very few lights around. And trying to sail), everyone else was asleep
(except of course for George) and again we did it well. Getting the hang of
this is well satisfiying.....! :-)

And then afer all this effort with sailing, the wind died down to like 3-4
knots (way to low to sail in) and so we had to start up the engine

Still, an interesting watch and quite fun.

Right I am offski, to bed specficially.

