The latest from the Bounty

The Vinces (and a Spouse)
Sun 12 Sep 2010 03:27
It's slightly too early on Sunday morning as I write this latest.
We left Cartegena late Sat morning all fuelled and provisioned for the next leg, which could be a long one.
Cartegana itself was lovely. Quite off the beaten track as far as we could see, tonnes of history here, huge fortress walls sit between the town and the port.
The port itself is a blend, huge industrial actiovity in the outer harbour; where they appear to be chewing up a whole hill for eggregates - together with a naval port, complete with a sub in dry dock. And the yacht marina itself, where we got to use the yacht club swimming pool..........
We pulled into basically the centre of things, tied up and walked 20 feet to the nearest bar - and had a beer (and watched another sub come in...). Then we went off to officially enter the country. And they were like 'oh you're here are you, that's fine' - very laid back.
We've changed things round for this next leg, I'm sailing with Sam, Mike is with Dane and tth two instructor guys are togther.
And it's not a Muitny on the Bounty thing, but we have kind of taken over. We agreed between us that (the four of us) we needed to take more repsonsibility ourselves and Ollie and Dougie needed to take more of a back seat.. It's the next logical step.
So we made the plan, for port exit and the passage. And here we are, so far so good.
The plan itself is admirably flexible (the way all plans should be) - sail out, check the wind (sail a bit)- and go where it might take us (Sardina, Sicily or Algeria - all candidates).
The sailing was good, we've got more than half handy at tacking and doing it two handed (helm plus one) - plenty of wind, lots of toe rail in the water, but all in the wrong direction.
So we're now motroing ESE to a mid Med weather rendevous - forecasts are for some northerlies out there, which we hope to harness and breeze on down to Sardinia or Sicily even - and our next pizza.....:)
That's it. All the latest from the Bounty...There's nobody adrift in a row boat though.:)