Cape Capricorn
Alan and Noi not sure which is which
Sun 17 Oct 2010 04:02
23:29.02s 151:13.81e
We had to pull in last night due to weather, 25 to
30knts gusting a bit higher. Large seas. Also a serious rip in the jib and a
fairly serious rip in the main.
The anchorage is unbelievably peaceful, no swell or
wind seems to get round the corner into this very small bay. We can actually see
the wind and waves passing by 50 meters away.
The anchorage is also about 2 miles off the tropic
of Capricorn. Not that that means a whole lot. It is damn cold though, seems to
have dropped 10 degrees over the last 300 miles.
It has been a hard slog so far, beating into the
wind for nearly 280 miles now and have only got about 150 miles
I am catching up on emails and some running repairs
(also researching new sails on the internet!!) Noi is sewing like a mad thing.
We are trying to leave this afternoon probably with no repair to the main. Some
bad weather coming in a couple of days and we want to be further south before
Caught a spotted mackerel yesterday which is not a
bad thing.