8:25.92s 98:50.06w

Alan and Noi not sure which is which
Mon 30 Mar 2009 17:06
8:25.92s 98:50.06w
30/03/09 Day 6
Position at 13:00 GMT / UTC
157 miles completed since last posting
674 miles completed in total
2601 miles to go - hey ho
Still no sign of SE trades but at least we have wind. There is a SSB net on the go with about 12 sailboats on the way accross the Pacific so plenty of oportunity for a race.
Got a bite bu it spat the lure out, deffinately trying to tell me something. No more dead things on deck but Noi found our pet Geko deceased, passed away, no longer living, deed, under the cushions in the cockpit, only remains to be decided who squished it as we have both been lying on that particular cushion. It had to go before Australia anyway or we would all have been terminated by the Australian Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries if it had been found.