09:55.60s 109:19.82w

Alan and Noi not sure which is which
Fri 3 Apr 2009 18:03
09:55.60s 109:19.82w
03/04/09 Day 10
Position at 13:00 GMT / UTC
174 miles completed since last posting
1345 miles completed in total
1745 miles to go - yawn
A bit rough during the night. When Noi sleeps she lays down on the salon deck. We had a small broach and she lifted her head to see what was going on, at that precise moment a pumpkin flew off the table and landed on the pillow her head had just vacated!! That’s what happens when you call someone a melon head. Anyway that was the highlight of the last 24 hours.
We are now in contact with 3 other boats, Qwyver, Tigre and Nae Hassle via SSB radio every day. They are of course behind us ranging from 300 miles to 1,200 miles. All basically going in the same direction with Tigre the only one going to the Tomatoes, the rest of heading to the Marquesas. There is another SSB radio net with about 15 other boats all going in much the same direction. Lucky we don’t keep bumping into each other.