~400 miles to go, but still beating

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Mon 1 Jun 2009 17:43
monday 1 June, 15:35 local UK time!
Hi all,
still beating towards the Needles. We have headwinds of about 15 knots. Sea
state is moderate though. This results in proper boatspeed to kill those
last 400 miles. In Theory, if everything works out well we will arrive this
Thursday/Friday night or somewhere during Friday. Depends on the beating progress. If we would have had a downwind course it would have been just 2 1/2 days from here. Keeping my fingers
crossed to make it on time and keep bring slightly optimistic (like always). We are now at least in the same
timezone as the UK and changed the ships clock again.
Navigation became a bit more complicated since part of the instruments are
misbehaving. The magnetic heading and true wind direction are wrecked. We
now that if we sail close hauled and keep a certain apparent wind angle, we
sort of aim for the Needles. We'll see if it really works...;-) Luckily, our
GPS etc. is still OK.
we got a message from EH01, our sister boat, that she passed the Needles and
by now probably has arrived in Cowes. Well done guys!!! Grab a beer and
anything else that comes onto your path but stay within the law. Was nice
reading your messages on the trip. I hope you can all recover fast enough to
go back to normal life again.
In case we arrive timely (small chance though), I need a ride from
Cowes/Southampton to london stansted airport
on Friday morning. Is there anyone who can really really do me a big favour?
Iain, are you available to transport your watch mate?
looking forward to say 'land ahoy' HAR HAR HAR again.
Please don't reply but send a new message instead. Likewise, don't send
attachments with your messages. Thank you. We will post regular updates at