Torsoes and Toenails

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Tue 23 Sep 2008 08:56
Good morning! It's Kath again here. I'm writing another blog because it's calm and sunny, not just to make you all jealous, but because I can't write any other time. It's Tuesday morning and so far the forecast of thundery squalls has been ominous clouds ahead of us that as yet we have not caught. So our overnight passage has been unremarkable as we motor at 115 degrees towards Gibraltar, having rounded the corner of Cape St Vincent around 2345 last night.
Not too sure how long the rain will hold off. If I keep writing and looking aft all looks bright and sunny - it's only at the bow it looks worrysome, perhaps we should head the other way? Oh, Ric says No!
After the fog yesterday, the afternoon weather cleared nicely and having had a day off watches we all took advantage of some chill out time on deck in the sun. T-shirts came off for some serious sunbathing. It was a good day, possibly helped by the new supplies on board - bacon rolls, pizzas and spag (well, pasta) bol supper - yum! I also had my toenails painted by Kate with flower art - the full works, only 6 colours to choose from (Kate of 'I don't know why my bag is so heavy' and then producing us with every handy bit of kit when we need it). Never thought I'd be on the deck of a sporty racing yacht helming whilst having my toenails attended to - a world of varied experiences, sailing!
Anyway, as I'm writing, them there clouds have created a nice breeze around their edges and finally the engine drone abates as we sail a broad reach with 11-12 knots of wind to see what today brings - for me hopefully 3 hours off watch to snooze coming soon!!