A few photos (Gibraltar to Pantelleria)

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sun 5 Oct 2008 14:38
Some more photos for you as promised...
First, Tony and Alex as we left Gibraltar for a day of motoring with no wind. A pod of pilot whales came to visit us on this day.
A cheesy grin from the Skipper (actually, they call me 'Captain' now we're in Malta, which I think I prefer!)
Paul, Alex, Tony and Ric in the amazing yacht club in Cartagena. They pour a mean G&T :)
The good ship P42, shortly after we arrived in Cartagena, during a brief dry spell.
This is one of our guard rails after a few days sailing in the Med - salty!
Ric & Paul dealing with one of the Dorado we caught.
Ship's cat enjoying catch of the day!
Paul hard at work in the galley:
Breakfast time!
Breakfast time (again!) - this time in a trendy cafe bar in Pantelleria. This was pre-showers, which is probably why we had the place to ourselves...