ARC Log - Day 7

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sun 30 Nov 2008 19:08
Sandy writes:
"Not much to report here... this ocean racing malarkey is akin to a very long term game of chess where you are often 12 hours or more behind in finding out the moves the opposition have made. As the boats zigzag South and West we get daily updates fromthe ARC office every evening telling us how we are doing. Even after 7 days sailing it is surprising we can be so close to other boats. We've been in very close proximity (less than 500m) to Desna, a German race yacht and it is pleasing that we've left them behind for now, even though they rate higher than us."
"Ric sits at his computer quite a bit during the day working out what the weather is going to do (he seems to be only marginally better than Micheal Fish as we've encountered a few unexpected light wind areas). All in all, we are still enjoying ourselves on this hot, sweaty and not as smelly as expected boat."
Ric [trying to get a word in edgeways...]:
The lazy, light downwind conditions we've had for the last couple of days are clearly not keeping the crew busy or tired enough. It seems that some of them have gone soft, sentimental and maybe a little homesick. Get over it guys! A week at sea is hardly pioneering in our age of adventure and exploration! My sentiments are shared by some of the crew. I'm far too cynical, so I'll let Sebastian (the naked German) take over before I become nauseous.
Sebastian (K):
It's a week now that we are in the ARC 2008 and we've arrived where we wanted to be - in the middle of the ocean. Precisely, at 1547 UTC [blimey - you'd never guess he was German! - Ric], we were at 15:09N 033:17W. This is a great circle distance of about 1260 NM from Las Palmas and 1600 NM from the northern point of St Lucia.
We've been pulled by out big kite for 57 consecutive hours since we set it again. The last 24 hours have been quite enjoyable navigation, even if the driving in the complete darkness is still quite a challenging excitement for all of us. In the last 24 hours (1600 -1600 UTC) we've made good 190 NM towards St. Lucia.
So, as we are where we wanted to be, our thoughts go back to all of our friends and relatives who share our joy to participate in the ARC 2008. As they think of us, they too cross the ocean, and our thoughts of them cross the ocean with us [oh now I really do feel sick - Ric].
I'd like to let my catamaran friends, who meet to their annual end of season dinner know that driving P42 is even more exciting than the F18 HT. Maximilian and Elizabeth: I hope your Opti's are loaded and you get prepared for Pola. Giselda: I miss you. All the friends of the Opti group: this is a real "figafa". LILLIPUT: I am learning a lot of useful things here. When will you participate in the ARC? And to E, M and P: I keep the diary, the binoculars have already been useful and the caramel hasn't been touched you.
Chris is sure that Jim is at home on this first Sunday of Advent, trying to persuade his daughter, Lorna to walk 'HER' dog, while she asks for more money for petrol for her car. Meanwhile, his wife Shirley will be preparing a delicious Sunday lunch and arguing with Lorna about any of 100 things.
Nelli says:
"Hello everyone :) Big hugs to my cashmere babies T & B, Bb and Mr. B who are no doubt enjoying my 5-star bed! Much love and thanks to Uncle Quark. Jules and Simon, here's to you, party guys xx. Big bro, remember to get the duck sorted before the pub opens! Steve, sea sickness is the best diet aid, hope the rowing is going well lol. Big hello to the lovely Lewitts JJ, I, C, W & P - thanks a million, Nelli is living the dream at last and Horace prefers the top bunk too.xxxx. GHD - the vago is a must for 2009 xx"
"Tell Caddy I love her and I miss her. Thanks babe. And also hugs and kisses to the dogs and the cows."
Sebi (Sebastian M) says:
"Hello to all the German bloggers who are following my small adventure. Best regards to my family, my friends and my colleagues... don't worry, I'll be back soon. Special regards to my father on that special day I feel with him. Maybe someone (K.G) can tell him I am fine. Best regards, Sebi"
Jo and Mike wonder how Paul's getting on with the decorating.
Sandy would like everyone to know that he's had his first wash of the trip today. And he's not the last either. That's all.