Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Mon 10 Nov 2008 11:39
There can be no finer antidote to the first snows of winter than to escape to more southerly climes and renew my love affair with the sea. Gibraltar to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, in the footsteps or should that be wake of Columbus, who must have passed this way.
A legendary navigator, he famously left home not knowing where he was going or when he would get there. On arrival he did not know where he was, and upon his return he didn't know where he had been. With skills like that he could have been a bowman !
P42 is a racing machine with a huge mainsail and we have been powering downwind in virtually no breeze, touching 10 knots, riding a foaming bed of surf. The moon is nearly full and the moonlight on the sea forms a dancing silver highway with the sky full of stars, planets and shooting stars.
Columbus might have learnt a thing or to from our RYA Instuctor, Ric Searle who is also seriously accomplished racing sailor, having thrice competed in the legendary 3 peaks yacht race including first place apparently followed by an impressive performance in the bar.
Sabrina has taken over as Skipper since Gibraltar and has had a remarkably civilising influence. She accepted with alacrity my suggestion that we might try and wean the lads off their diet of crisps and kitkats by gently introducing the concept of fresh food. Our efforts in this direction just received a massive boost because we have just caught a huge Dorado which was quickly filleted and lightly cooked in olive oil.
Young Jack from Orkney is another accomplished sailor but perhaps he has secret ambitions on an alternative career since he is currently conducting an experiment to see how long he can wear rubber boots before his feet fall off.
I had a great time in Gib including descending the Rock via the Mediterranean Steps which zig zag down the sheer outside face. With just four of us on board I am a bit puzzled though, where are the rest of you ?
EHW (Ernest Hemmingway Wanabee )