yeah!...majorrr progress

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Thu 28 May 2009 03:11
After a delayed continuation from the Azores due to an oil refresh of the Saildrive, we are now making major progress. By the way, don't know if we already told you guys, but we caught a shark a few days earlier. This shark was probably swimming under the boat when we started the engine. It got wrap around the saildrive. After a quick dive to check the propellor, we found 1 meter shark leftovers. the unfortunate animal was missing his/her head and tail but did probably cause some our oil refill. good story for in the pub anyway.
i just ended my 00:00-03:00 watch. I was accompagnied by 3 dolphins during this watch. Only thing i could see was the phosphorescent trail and sometimes even the silhouet of their bodies. Happily jumping and surfing our bow. Nice, amazing and one of my personal high lights of this trip.
the weather gods have been so nice for us the first 24 hours. we are having constant 20 knot breeze from 190 degrees. our course is 080 degrees to stay a bit low for upcoming weather. average speedis 8.5 knots. Distance to the Needles on the Isle of Wight is ~1090 miles.
let''s keep this lady smokin' so we can all have a beer soon in the UK
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