
Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sun 31 May 2009 13:11
After posting the blog update yesterday we got an unpleasant surprise onboard. We already gave in on privacy on the toilet by means of not having a door. Now, basically, the toilet no longer exists. After flushing substances (not to call it shit) came out of the cupboards. The piping is clogged and we were not able to fix it.
From now on, in addition to the stern pee policy we have a bucket dumppolicy. I can tell you after having my precious moment on a bucket today, not very comfortable. The handle of the bucket helps building up some pressure, but that is al the advantage you get. Now it is really hardcore...
Ok, i will leave this story and back to sailing. We again motored through the night. average speed was 6 knots. We cannot motor on high speeds since we only carry 150 liters of diesel. 'normal' ocean passage people use 3 times this amount for hallf the trip. Again, pretty hardcore stuff which is called sailing all the way.
We are now beating against the waves again. It is again very uncomfortable to heel over day and night. Doing daily tasks cost a lot of energy. I even managed to stretch a muscle while writing the blog...the good news is: we are heading straight towards the Needles with a speed of 7+ knots. If we keep up this pace we will be sooo happy, even with the beating. Forecast looks good but we will need to motor some more in the next few days.
Going for a snooze now after fantastic lunch with beans and pita's.
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