I don't really hate sailing

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Mon 3 Nov 2008 11:17
The low that's been causing us such hassle over the last couple of days has finally drifted away to the north-east leaving us with a happy 4 knots of wind - perfect motoring weather. The sun's even threatening to appear which may give us a chance to dry out a few cushions, and now the boat is flat and has stopped taking on so much water, we might try a bit of bailing out.
The sea state is gradually decreasing so sleep is easier too without the constant slamming as the boat crashes through another wave. I think we're all starting to feel a bit more positive again.
I'm sure that every sailor spends a lot of his (or her) time wondering why we bother - so often we're cold, wet, tired, seasick or just bored. I don't have the answer, but I do know that having been through some horrible passages at sea, the beer always tastes better at the other end.
We're currently motoring along the south side of Formentera, heading towards Cartagena on the Spanish mainland. At this rate we'll arrive in the early hours of the morning.