
Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sat 30 May 2009 09:30
We tacked this morning and are now moving north with fantastic weather forecast that brings favorable breezes!!!! We are now beating the waves again on a 000 degrees heading with 50-60 degrees wind direction. The wind told us it will move more to the east, south east...smiley faces on the boat.
About the boat and 3 crew. I got some emails of people being concerned that it is just the 3 of us. I will not deny it is challenging, exhausting and it took some days for me to decide. I am happy though the other 2 were born in foul weather gear and have dated boats in the past in stead of girls. They are not the ''Stig'', but apparently, one once dated a mermaid and when the weather gets tuff he gets unhuman powers.
Then there is me....lost a couple of kilo's, have been puking on the first leg due to humidity, zero ventilation, heat and diesel smell. I fell down inside the boat when we were heeling over. result: some slightly bruced ribs and a nice blue area on my lower back. So far, it was tough due to weather, but everything has been manageable or as my coll.eagues love to see: was recoverable.
At the moment most of us suffer from tiredness though. The little sleep we get is for me not enough. Last night I got 6 hours. That makes a big difference.
The boat is a designed racer cruiser. there are only 2 builds of this type on the globe. This first build of course suffers from issues that are probably resolved in the 2nd build. Most of the issues are practicalities. The boat leaks all over the place, has no comfort next to bunks to sleep in, indoor space is limited to supply outdoor racing area. Cooking has been limited by a faulty gas connection and now we are missing a toilet door. Not really what you would put in a brouchure on atlantic crossings. Luckily we had no major breakdowns of critical stuff so far...knocking wood now!
Although it is sort of hardcore sailing due to the boat, the weather and the distance (!), I have full faith in this lady and the guys driving her. The weather looks promising although it will never be a walk in the park. In the end...it is a endurance challenge I have never faced before...to summarize it: it has been amazing, fantastic but I will be happy to be on land somewhere end of this week (hopefully before friday morning so I can catch a plane to Stockholm)
So, no worries. we are doing great. I was not drunk, not forced into it and i have not lost my judgement ;-)
Going to sleep now, cheers,
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