That's all folks (for now)

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sun 5 Oct 2008 14:45
After a hard day's work yesterday, the boat is clean and tidy and we have a few maintenance jobs to get on with this week.
Our crew for the Middle Sea Race will arrive at the weekend, and the race itself starts on the 18th October.
We'll be leaving Malta for our passage to the Canaries around the 27th October - I hope you'll join us.
Any feedback greatly appreciated - you can email us at p42 {CHANGE TO AT} ricsearle {DOT} com (only checked when in port). If you fancy sailing with us, either as crew on a delivery passage or for some racing in the sunshine over the winter, check out
Thanks again,
Ric (& the crew of P42, past and present!)