Paul and the weather gods

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Mon 29 Sep 2008 01:09
We left Cartagena at about 1600 - I think most of the other yachts in the marina there thought we were mad. We'd forgotten just how closed Spain is ona Sunday until we tried to find a supermarket...never mind - we have plenty of food on board.
The weather forecast is for force 5 or 6 from the north-east, with the worst of it further offshore and a little south of us. We're hugging the Spainish coast, heading north at the moment. We'll work our way up to somewhere near Ibiza before we tack onto port and head east towards Sardinia.
We've had a couple of nasty squally showers this evening - they tend to occur whenever Paul's on deck, so we think he must have offended the weather gods somehow.
Watches are 2 hours on, 2 hours off, and since I'm now off watch, writing this is stopping me from sleeping! Good night :)