
Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Thu 14 May 2009 14:59
Hi all,
A quick update after the biggest weather change so far. From happy happy
days of sailing, hanging around the deck, doing some celestial navigation,
getting a tan etc, it changed to undefined wind directions, squalls, 0 knots
of winds to 27 knots and patches of very heavy rain. We even did a mid-ocean
360 which cost us the fishing line.. During the night we motored a bit and
are now sailing again.
This morning we had a nice collision course with an oil tanker but he gave
way of course (wuss!). We were also enlightened by a group of nice dolphins
hitting on Darren. they like lonely sailors. We had scrambled eggs and tea
for breakfast and now chilling out under the clear blue skies again.
couple of quotes from the last 24 hours:
- Darren (lying in his bunk eating chocolates for breakfast): "this is
actually quite a lot of activity for me".
- Iain (on night watch). "What's that big red light? Shit it's getting
bigger quickly. Must be a massive boat coming towards us, get Flavio quick." (When the moon started
to rise)
- Also Iain "Holy crap - look there's a shark!" (On spotting this morning's Dolphin fins)
- Roy - "This wasn't in the brochure. Can I order some more dolphins?"
- Sonja (as Iain explained the course) - "Explain it to James, he will be
interested" (nice way to say, I don't care)
cheers! have a nice day.