Wednesday 16th June Pilot Whales

Wed 16 Jun 2010 17:17
My birthday was great.
Wash and shave in the morning a real treat. Swiss roll as a cake and coffee mid
morning. Opening an present and cards. I had a shower even bigger treat as I
could change the cloths I had been wearing for three days. Gavin did a big fry
up for evening meal and we allowed ourselves a beer. First alcohol for 6 days.
Life is good
We got a big
surprise late on yesterday when this large black shiny body
heaved out of the water about 20 meter astern of KIR. along with smaller ones. It was a pod of pilot whales and they or others came back later in the evening. Gavin and I were scrambling for the cameras. He did get a pick just to prove they were there.Wonderful site just shows the seas are not sterile.( They have been back again today). We are still managing to sail at times very slowly but like now doing 5kts over a relatively smooth sea it is wonderful I still marvel at it after all these years. We are on the roughly the same latitude as Brest in France except it is 700 miles to the East of us.If the wind is following around the top of the high pressure that's blocking our path we may not have to change sail positions as the wind will naturally follow the high pressure round in a curve and as the hydrovane just follows the wind so will we. May be!!!!! We notice the colour of the sea has changed from deep blue to greenish. Current
position"47:50.96N 21:52.79W"