Fridaynight out in the Atlantic and Saturday

Sat 29 May 2010 20:54
Well....what a night. Good force 7 for a while and
rain etc. so we did not get the best nights sleep. Jim and Ian took the
brunt of it on their watches and Mike, being off watch slept through the
worst. Some of the gusts were very severe with KIR being pushed down on the
portside while executing a rather dramatic rounding up to starboard. Water
poured over the port coaming and into the cockpit. All was well as
the hydrovane even partly underwater responded and everything was soon back to
normal. Oh ,yes thank goodness for the large aft cockpit drains. Dawn saw
lower winds and we got almost full sail back on only to have a huge wind shift
which has now turned back to rain and guess what..Jim is in the
We sailed out of the low pressure that caused our
problems last night into bright sunshine which lasted over lunch. The cockpit
looked like a Chinese laundry with all our wet gear drying off
Currently running the engine to get some warm water
for showers and some charge back in the batteries.
Thankfully the sun stayed out long enough to get
everything dry so we are back to square one.
Despite the inclement weather we are well on course
for the Azores now just over 600 miles away.