The Night Watch and catching Dorado

Tue 2 Dec 2008 21:13
Tuesday the 2nd
We are definitely in the tropics, the heat and
humidity have taken a long time to arrive but today met
The parasailor finally went back up at about (1030
after a very slow start to the day) and has been up ever since. We are now
attempting to keep it flying all night again in an attempt to keep moving at a
reasonable pace so let's see what time we have to go on deck tonight to remove
Today has been a bit domestic - a shower and
washing day - hooray. But the hot news is that we finally caught some fish.
Two smallish (about 1lb each) Dorado deliciously prepared for dinner with a
small salad.
The night before last we were entertained in the
cockpit by Richard reading selected passages from his jottings. He declined to
publish bit has been stung into action by me sneakily publishing first. Here
follows one of his more serious pieces.The context is that in our watch rotation
Richard follows me and is followed by Ian.
At 4 in the morning
Before any dawning
My watch is the start of the day
At 4 in the morning
O boy! am I yawning
In my bed I wish I could stay.
When Michael awakes me
He does not allow me
In my bunk to linger and stay
When Michael awakes me
I know I must relieve him
Without too long a delay.
As he leaves me the night
Michael says with delight
"It's off to my bunk for me"
Well that's OK
It doesn't offend
But does he need say with glee?
It's six in the morning
Now there's some dawning
It's the end of the watch for me
It's six in the morning
And with much warning
I awake the Skipper with
Battery is nearly finished so will send this now.
More when the batteries have been recharged.
All well and very happy! (apart from at our slow