Day 7 - Waiting for the dawn

Sat 29 Nov 2008 06:57
0630 and engine churning away charging the
batteries and making some water. Reasonably clear night but speed has dropped
again to 5 kts after a good day's sunny run yesterday with a moderate followig
sea. Yesterdays midday to midday run distance was much better but it did get a
littl rolly.
It looks like we stayed further east than many (at
least those on the radio web who are still caling in positions rather than just
using the email), so we'll see how far apart we are at midday today when we are
closer to the Cape Verdes. Today's job (if we have the wind!) is to try to get
the wind steering gear working having reduced the bimini size, that will reduce
our need to run the engine for battery charging.
That, of course will come after breakfast and
setting the fishing gear up. Yes, we finally finished the chicken!!
One of the fleet is putting in to the Verdes with
broken rigging - after a check in Las Palmas revealed a problem a local rigger
was called in to work on it. The night before last he lost 2 lower stays in a
force 4 to 5. No one hurt but there is a rigger in Las Palmas who won't be
geting any recommendattions.
We are all amazed by where the time goes! the
routine is ater 8 breakfast, change/tweek sails, clean up, coffee/tea then
midday radio calls, sail/fruit and veg inspections, snoozes, start diner
preparation, eat dinner, settle sails down for the night and into the evening
watch - not much time for reading etc etc. Taking it in turn to chose the music
to be played whilst dinner is being preped. Today we are going to change the
eating routine to main meal early pm and then an evening snack so that evening
daylight is freer for seting the sails up for the night.
Ater last nights 2 hour dinner prep marathon by
Richard under heavy rolling the Captain has issued a decree that all future
,meals will be simpler! no one neds to worry about us losing too much weight out
Today is another fresh water shower day -
All very well and cherfull - too cheerfull for some
first thing in the mornng!