Saturday 22nd

Sat 22 May 2010 21:19
After motoring all night and well into the morning
we finally got some wind back albeit from slightly ahead and are now making good
progress again (6pm). Had a pod of 10-15 dolphins come to play for a while
yesterday pm and our bows were crossed by a whale (about 30ft long I guess)
which was closer than it needed to be!. Chatted to a passing tanker this morning
and until half an hour ago that was the first other shipping seen for ages. Just
spotted a sail on the horizon behind us so we'll see who that turns out to be
Jim cooking stir fry for dinner. It has turned
distinctly cooler as a front has come over, and even when the sun is out it is
now long trouser and long sleeved shirt weather.
Position currently N35, 20m, W56, 32 min track
98deg true, on port tack wind strength Bf4 from NNE ish. Sea