First Few Days

Sun 16 Nov 2008 11:14
As if by magic it's now Sunday 16th, yesterday was
too busy to go to the cafe and do email stuff! First really big food shopping
yesterday since Lynn bought out Gibraltar's entire supply of tinned goods which
were already on board. One more mega shop of meat and one for veg after Richard
arrives should just about do it (apart from all of the things that we will have
forgotten!). The supermarket was really well organised with box packing and
preparations for delivery but worried us by turning up 4 hours later than
promised. They must make a fortune in extra sales for the event - a thousand
people stocking up for 3 to 4 weeks is not bad business.
More jobs yesterday and the boat is now
"fully dressed" by Lynn sitting putting all the flags together in the correct
order whilst Ian and I supervised (all despite Ian's complaints about waste of
time and money!). We are saving the up the mast job for Richard which
seems fair to us! All fuelled up and enough bottled water to float
It's early Saturday the 15th and looks like another
beautiful sunny day. I (Mike) arrived Thursday pm after a pretty
uneventful 24 hour plus journey from Singapore. Bags arrived at the same time
which is always nice!The new sat phone arrived on Thursday too so we now have
phone, email and the blog back and will try to keep reasonably up to date. Ian
is threatening to use the blog as our log so you might get treated to his
nautical observations!
Yesterday was spent on sextant revision in the
morning followed by coffee, laundry, replacing the liferaft for a more modern
one, lunch, discussions on shopping and the inevitable plan of all of the things
that need to be done before we go. More of the same today,
Off to buy another jerry can of diesel and gas
bottle before the sleepers stir.