Saturday 12th June

Sat 12 Jun 2010 17:27
We were treated to a spectacular display by 30 to 40 dolphins yesterday
evening. They all jumped out of the water in unison on top of a wave in from
of us. I think they were fishing just lasted a few seconds but fantastic to

We stopped today as test to see what it would be like if we have to do it
for real tomorrow while we refuelled with some of the spare tanks. Whilst
doing this I glanced over the side and we had a 8 or 9ft blue shark looking
at our rudder he soon left.

Tomorrow we will at some stage have to stop motoring unless we get some
wind. Its a precaution as we still have just under half our normal capacity
left plus some spare tanks which is about 3 days motoring. I cannot run it
down to much to make sure we have enough for emergencies and charging
batteries etc. We have nearly full fresh water tanks and plenty of food so
all good there.Whilst stopped the fresh water pump stopped again so we took
the chart table apart to replace it.
Had a Spanish fisherman calling us on the VHF radio this afternoon he was looking for tuna.
The dolphins we have around us seem to be preoccupied with feed and visiting us very nice.
Gavin and I are practicing wind dances not to much effect anyway it will happen.
That's your lot for today, its Chilly tonight made from left over spag bog it all helps!!!