Last Night Time Diary Entry?

Wed 17 Dec 2008 10:52
No diary last night because the batteries were low
and did not want to run engine on our last night just to charge them
It's now 0645 local time and we have just spotted
St Martinique sitting beneath the clouds about 60nm away whoopee! (height
1300m). St Lucia is a bit lower at 600m and cannot yet be seen.
We aim to be in Rodney Bay abut 10 tonight and will
need to motor sail almost all day to achieve that. Decided to put a move on
rather than go solely under sail and arrive in the early hours.
Our last night under sail was great, early part of
the night under the usual panoply of stars followed by a nice bright moon to
light our way.
Highlight of the night was chasing a flying fish
around the cabin. It landed in the spray hood and in attempts to shift it from
there it headed down the hatch. Trying to catch a fish on a rolling floor is not
easy and there were scales everywhere. Finally got it back into the water still
Fridge is back on cooling the beer and carver and
the next diary entry will probably from the
Fishing line about to go out to see if we can
arrive with fresh fish in the fridge.