Day 1

Thu 20 May 2010 13:38
Goodmorning world,
Our first blog since leaving Bermuda at 1230 local
time yesterday. The start was a bit delayed due to some of the boats taking
longer than anticipated to fill up with water but was an absolutely fantastic
when we all got off. We were first over the line (6th by the time we got to the
cut). Doing 6kts plus for quite a while but slowed overnight. We are now moving
along nicely, if a little slowly (down to 5kts) and waiting for the wind to pick
up (promised later today) and have taken our correct position towards the back
of the fleet. Had a beautiful night time sail, the boat had a nice easy motion
which was great for the first night out, a few brilliant shooting
Captain and crew all well and settling nicely into
a routine.
All for now maybe more later if anything to
Regards to all.