Departure Azores 10th June

Fri 11 Jun 2010 11:47
Gavin and I finally left the port of Horta in the
Azores island of Faial at 1200 the 10th June. The weather up until then had been
bad with Northly force 7/8. Guess which direction we want to go in.
Our departure was very quite just had a problem
with the roller furling main getting stuck anyway soon fixed.
The island of Pico with its 7000ft extinct
volcano dominating the horizon behind us as we were heading North by east. The
plan is to motor up through the Azores high which has now established itself to
a point some 700 miles off the French coast and turn towards the channel this
way we should get the westerlies and get a push from the Gulf
At 1130 on the 11th June we are at '40:24.80N
We have motored all night and are in the middle of
the high with no wind but hopefully enough fuel. We have added more fuel tanks
in Horta and the loose tanks adds up to 35 galls and the boat has a fixed
tank of 40 galls, enough for 6 days motoring. Hopefully it will not come to
Still being visited by dolphins always fantastic to
see and a lots of Portuguese men of war.
Try and do another blog tomorrow.