Days 3 and 4

Thu 27 Nov 2008 12:42
Yesterday we had a techncal hitch and lost the
Had the parasailor up all day and into the night
when we had some fun taking it down again last night with no wind. Richard
struggled manfully to get some speed out of no wind before we finally gave up
and motored for an hour and a half and then managed to get started again on main
and poled out genny. Busy night!
This morning after all were rested we sorted the
parasailor out and got it back up.Now (1730) on to twin headsails for the
Eating very well - chicken again tonight, this time
Caribean chicken. Finished the last of the lettuce and so far the fresh veg is
looking not too bad. 2 lemons, one lime and a tangerine eaten due to
starting to rot, bananas taking more time than we thought to ripen. The fleet
are catching fish but we have not tried yet - decided to eat al of the white
meat first in case t starts to go off.
Our speed/progress over the last 2 days has not
been good so we have started hand steering to conserve power aand reduce deisel
usage. Still in sight of one boat and chatting to a coupe of others on the
Saw huge dolphin schooll yesterday who came to
All for now, tea to be drunk and then dinner to
cook -it's tough out here.
Crew all very well and today is shower day -
and we are now in the