Life in Las Plmas de Gran Canaria

Sun 2 Nov 2008 17:50
Firstly, many apologies for the tardy update! I
joined Ian here on the 20th October but unfortunately was hatching a nasty cold
which I came down with for the first few days and then very generously passed on
to Ian, who is just getting over it now. Consequently, it is only in the last
few days that we have actually done anything and started to venture out
For those of you suffering in the recent cold snap
in England and thinking of us basking in the sun out here, be cheered! We have
had wind and rain most days, albeit with intermittent sun and it is quite
chilly. The locals are all in their winter clothes, fur boots and all, so we
feel slightly out of place walking around in our shorts and
There are more ARC boats coming in all the time
now. There must be about 150 here but the real build up does`nt start until 10th
when the office opens. Meanwhile, we have hired a car for a week and intend to
explore the island.
There is a possibility that we may not be able to
write a blog once at sea, due the Sat phone deciding to cook itself the other
day. A flurry of increasingly terse emails with the supplier has resulted in a
replacement unit being brought out to Gran Canaria, albeit a few days before we
depart!! The problem eminated from the transformer which, for no reason at
all, decided to output anything between the required 4.5volts and 13.0
volts, the latter being an attempt at roasting. I will keep you informed,
however our progress can still be seen on the ARC web site, but there would
be no words from us.
That's about it for now, Ian, Lynn and