
Mon 8 Dec 2008 23:51
We have had low wind, we have had almost no wind
and this morning we were totally becalmed.
Went for a swim,talked about deisel use and decided
to motot for a few hours to ease the rolling motion. By evening the wind had
still not returned, Richard had baked some bread, odds and sods had been
attended to and talk returned to how much deisel had we really used (the guage
has not moved as much as we thught that it should).
Solution, take one of the aft cabins apart to
uncover the tank, remove the guage sender and measure the contents - easy.
Not quite so and the tank is a most peculiar shape which requires some cuning to
work out the total volume. Conclusion is that we decided that we had indeed used
less than originally estimated and could afford to motor slowly all
So, here we are motoring along under a monlit sky
with almost no wind at all.
Hopefully tomorrow is better, knowing that the
racing boats have already crossed the line whilst we are sitting here hardly
moving at all with a long way to go was not the moral boster needed at this