Rain Showers

Sun 14 Dec 2008 05:48
A very quiet day wind and sailing activity wise (we
jibed once in the morning!) with a fair amount of reading. Very humid and hot
down below since not enough breeze to penetrate the depths of the
Sensitive viewers should be aware that some photos
which may appear on this site might offend, shock or otherwise put you off your
food for a week or two. Mid afternoon we got caught in a very heavy rain shower
the sight of which prompted the crew to grab soap and shampoo and strip off in
the cockpit for a very cooling shower. After a very slow day it was quite a
moral booster.
More bread was cooked to a very high standard and
tomorrow I will try again with a packet which is still within it's sell by
The last of the Fuji apples has just been eaten
which; fresh food wise, now leaves us with oranges and green apples, potatoes
and garlic so the menu should get interesting!
More diesel calculations scheduled for tomorrow -
we are still too far away to go for it on the engine and really need a couple of
good days wind. Unfortunately the forecast says