11:19.5N 60:33.1W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Sun 14 Mar 2010 19:15
Emily and Bryony left us in Grenada on 10th March.
Since then we have been up to Carriacou to the north east of Grenada in
order to give us a better angle to travel to Tobago. The winds have been
predominantly SE and hot making Tobago impossible on one tack. As luck
would happen, the wind came round the east for 24hrs and we had a fine beat
to windward making Tobago in one. We have also had reports of several Venezuelan
pirate attacks on yachts travelling between Grenada and Trinadad so
Carriacou to Tobago seemed a prudent alternative! We are now safely in the
most glorious bay,Charlottesville, with our anti -pirate spearguns, flare guns and petrol cannisters securely
We will be in Tobago unitl 24th of March when we
travel to Trinadad where the boat is lifted onto the hard 29th March and we fly
home 31st arrivng UK 1st April.
.....Nessa here.... we had a grand time with Bryony
and Emily, swimming and snorkelling and generally playing in the sea. Joined in
the Big Party on the little deserted Hogs Island... with a local Band and BBQ
and a Bar...where we, of course, sampled the local rum punches!! Then
danced on the beach to the music... a load of fun!! Found lots of conch
shells, and B has returned with some to UK. Also joined in a BBQ night at
the Marina Clubhouse, where we all brought our own meat and shared another large
side dish each... salads, pasta, rice salads, ratatouilles, cakes etc.. and live
music, with a great American lady with a voice like Dusty
We hired a car one day and drove round Grenada, the
interior is really green and we enjoyed driving through the rainforest... went
on to lunch at an old plantation, cocoa and nutmeg... saw the goats, bought the
cheese, said 'hallo' to the parrots, who, of course, said 'hallo' back. And
ended up at a long 2 mile white sandy beach for a swim. Great day
Now, as Kit says, we're in Tobago for my
birthday... arrived and dropped anchor at 6 a.m.!! So a slow start to the
day... a little sleep and up and off into the fascinating fun and laid back
village of Charlottville, where there is a Deep Sea Fishing Competition going on
for a few days.... but today, 13th is a rest day... so lots of partying, beer
tents and reggae of course. It's such a beautiful bay, enormous with a few small
beaches here and there and so verdant and lush... lovely! Had a great day... and
after drinks with a French chap who had just arrived from Brazil... we had a
great meal ashore at The Restaurant.. shrimps and fish... and of course... Rum
Tobago looks like one of the most beautiful of all
the Caribbean islands that we have seen... so off to explore on the local bus
tomorrow..... will continue then..... XXXXXX Sophia mou, thanks so much
for my Mothers Day card... and Nora, I love the John Betjeman poetry
book... thank you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX