14:29.30N 39:45.52W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Thu 21 Jan 2010 21:07
Hopefully the NE trades have finally arrived. Dawn
brought a fresh NE wind which has stayed all day for the first time. Hopeful
this will last until Monday when it is forecast to drop a bit. All canvas aloft
making 6 -7 knots with the occasional 10 thrown in down the waves! Sea temp
29 Air temp 32 - this is tough sailing! All looking forward to making the half
way mark tomorrow - just mixed a pina colada to put on ice in advance
to celebrate the moment! Love k
Hi.. Nessa here.. firstly Happy Birthday Rich!.. No
longer a teenager! Am drinking your Good Health! We are not far from half
way... so I'll call you and Sophie on our home line.. on Saturday at 1 o'clock
p.m. your time. If anyone is reading this, please call Sophie and
tell her... just in case she's missed this blog!?! XXX
Astrid.... hope you're behaving yourself...and make
sure you get someone to carry your case when you come over...via Gatwick.. bring
wheels for the case. Love You..XXX
Bryony... will call you when I can soon.. love you
lots XXX Emily... notlong till your birthday... the Big One,and then the
Caribbean with Bryony! Whoopee! Love you lots XXX
Pips and Josie... hope you're still having a good
time in Aus. XXXXX
Hello this is Alison hi everyone. First I
must say Happy Birthday to Peter Balderston as I know its your birthday any day
now! We saw a huge whale in the distance here - throwing itself into the
air and landing with an enormous splash it must have been a whopper. The
flying fish are entertaining - they seem to skim over the waves for hundreds of
feet. Very hot here and all this relaxing is very tiring....zzzz
Just eaten the last of the fish we caught- more
tomorrow. Can't quite get my head round this bed at dark up at
Not really me! Patrick