14:03.06N 46:48.96W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Sun 24 Jan 2010 21:48
Another frustrating day where the forecast wind has
disappeared again. Trying to set further south, motoring at times, to give us
better angle to the wind when it eventually comes through. Hot and humid day
with not a lot of action. 748 miles to go - which still seems a long way when
creeping along at 4 knots! All well aboard. Kit XX
Hello Alison here! Yes, not a lot on the wind
front today. Patrick washed some clothes and the sea temperature is 30
degrees C according to the log. We turned the clock back another hour not
sure what Barbados is on but we are now GMT -3. All looking quite brown -
we have the bimini up during the hottest hours. Patrick marinated and
cooked the other half of the dorada we caught yesterday - quite superb and now
he has a job for the rest of the trip tee hee. Well I'm signing off with
fingers crossed for a puff of wind tomorrow. Hope all is well at home and work.
Iona hope uni work and house going ok. Hope you got the photos downloaded
and printed off for G&G xxx
Tan's ok but beard's had to go; starting to look
like Ben Gunn again! Patrick