20:03.24N 22:47.88W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Sat 9 Jan 2010 19:39
Only 225 miles to go. It is 7pm Sat eve and we
expect to arrive early morning Monday at Mindelo on Sao Vicente. This will
probably be our last blog message until we arrive. Winds NE still quite calm
with sunny warm days sea temp gone up to 25C. Saw fishing boat last night which
followed us for ages - possible pirates - so we switched of all lights and lost
them in the dark! Got surrounded by 30 dolphins which played in the bow this
morning. Tried the solar shower on the bathing platform today for the first
time. All aboard looking forward to a long shower and large drinkwhen we arrive!
Lots of love Kit and Vanessa. E-mails to brainofpooh {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} co {DOT} uk for us to
reply at Mindelo
Hi Alison here hello to family and friends.
Its getting a lot warmer now - Vanessa and I were sunbathing in ouur
bikinis on the foredeck today, and I have moved to another pair of shorts having
recognised that I now have a tide/tanmark from wearing the same ones. The
dolphins were lovely, playing around the bow. I'm lookiing forward to
being in a new place the Cape Verde Islands. We all want to do different
things when we get there amd these include the bar, shower
block,launderette, internet, and a walk! Please send me messages on
facebook or emails to deeside email address. I'll post photos on facebook
as soon as I can from land if there is a facility to do this.