13:34.60N 51:31.27W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Tue 26 Jan 2010 19:31
The wind got up to Force 6 most of last night which
gave a good day's run of over 150 miles. The wind is due to be force 5-6
now most of the way in to Barbados so expecting an exciting sail to the finish
which is now only 470 miles away! Celebrated with rum punch passing the
"500 miles to go" (and Amanda's, my Sister, birthday) - Amanda, sent
card via passing frigate bird but may take some time to arrive! Love
Tuesday 26th lunchtime. Alison here hello
family friends workmates and anyone else who's looking! I've decided to
write my diary entry at midday rather than in the evening as we have a lot of
time on our hands during the day, and at 7 its bedlam with supper washing up,
sun going down, first watch starting and bedding being moved accordingly!
This will still be sent at the end of the day, its just I wrote it earlier...We
did 150 miles yesterday as the wind has picked up and is a lot steadier.
Its very hot and the fishing line is out for a try at a third fish. A note
for motorcycling friends : in Mindelo in the Cape Verde Islands I cam across a
Honda CX500 custom just like mmine! While I was standing there amazed at
the sight the owner came to talk to me, a dreadlocked Paddy by name, and said I
could take it for a spin - I think he was dubious of myclaim of owning an
identical bike in England - so i took it round the block with a very big grin on
my face (and helmet on head pops). Far out Brussel Sprout to quote a
famous Thelma saying. Bye for now, thinking of you all ,and that first rum
punch is getting closer..xxxx