14:50.03N 32:59.90W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Mon 18 Jan 2010 20:54
Ne trades arrived in the night requiring chute down
and genoa up. Had a great sail today with reefed main and genoa NNE 4-5 going
6-8 knots. Settling down for another night knowing that by dawn we will be over
a 1/4 of the way to Barbados. Currently 1550 miles to go. Forecast gives same
winds for next three days so we aim to be half way by Friday. Beggy, Eeyore's
tail, our wind vane, now fully in steering the boat!
Nessa here... We're so happy to be sailing
properly.. good trade winds at last! Another flying fish hurled itself at
me again last night! Don't know what the attraction is!?
ASTRID we are thinking of you and praying you are
recovering quickly. For God's sake BE GOOD !!! Love you lots XXXX
SOPHIE Hope job's going well. Have you phoned
that number yet? It's really urgent you do it as soon as possible. You promised
me. Love you lots XXXX
EMILY Hope the work placement's not too gruesome!
Are they all batty? Love you lots XXXX
BRYONY Enjoy your College, and the pottery and
horseriding. Say hallo to Kadir, Svenna and Melanie and a Big Hug to you and
Kaya. Love you lots Mummy XXXX
JOSIE and PIPPA Hope you've both got work now and
enjoying Brisbane. Love you both lots XXXX
Alison here hello everyone! Progress today-
we seem to have picked up the trade winds and can now look forward to arriving
at a sensible date. Passed the quarter way mark and we are doing 7
knots. I'm looking forward to buying a bag of ice and making long cold
drinks. Started book number two. Tan looking good. Another huge
fishing boat this evening - remiinds me of the one we were dry docked alongside
in the Canaries in 1980 - before some of you were born how about that! I'm
on watch first tonight, from 7-9 and then 3-5. Its muggy and warm.
Bye for now. Hope all is well xx
Maybe it is worth getting up for the sunrise - up
at 5 this morning. Patrick