13:37.40N 49:07.64W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Mon 25 Jan 2010 22:25
A better day all together. The wind has picked up and we been flying along with the chute up since 9am this morning. Wind set to stay according to the forecast. 612 miles to go , so we are hoping by this time tomorrow it will be under 500 miles left. Current expectations put us in to Barbados on Saturday midday. Weather great as ever. Sea temp 30 degrees so all enjoyed throwing a bucket of water over us during the day. Love K
Hi Nessa here.... not sure if anyone is reading this... but just wanted to chWeeck if Sophie got my message about contacting Pepe Romero and telling him about Astrid being ill... also I'm not sure I turned the sitting room radiator off... in the confusion of ending up in hospital with Bryony before we left!?! Sophie hope you're starting the cars every weekend please. Hope the job is going well... I'm looking forward to chatting to you on the phone when we get to the Caribbean so,please send me an email saying exactly what time you'd like me to phone you sunday and/or monday.. give me 2 or 3 specific times on Sunday 31st... as not sure where we'll be..
If any family or friends are reading this, please can you call Sophie and ask her to look at the blogs... Thanks XXX
Hello Alison here, hello to family friends work colleagues and anyone else who's lookin in to see hhow we're getting on! 
We'll soon have less than a quarter of the trip from the Cape Verde islands to go - Barbados here we come!  I know grownn up nieces and nephews can catch up with my news on facebook but the smaller ones can't so here is a special hello jjust for them:
Hello Sebastian and Hugo!  This is Auntie Alison here.  We're nearly at the end of our journey across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean.  I hope you've been looking at the map and maybe reading the diary to see what we are doing and where we are.  Tell Mummy and Daddy that I'll phone them when I have a signal on my phone which might be Saturday.  We might not see Barbados until we are quite near as it is not a very hilly island.  Some Dolphins were swimming around the boat and jumping clean out of the water today it was really wonderful to see them in their wild environment in the middle of the Ocean :-) I hope both of you are well and happy and looking after each other and Mummy and Daddy and of course Ruby! Lots of love Alison 612 miles east of Barbados xxxxxxx