27:36.98N 17:24.57W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Tue 5 Jan 2010 19:28
Well we are finally off. Left Gomera at 13.30pm and
have completed 40 of our 800 mile passage to Cape Verde Islands. Wind NW force 4
to 5 giving us a broad reach on our course of 220 degrees. Just had goulash with
our ration of a glass of red, and settling into the night sail. two hours each
on watch. Moon will be out for most of the night to brighten what would
otherwise be a dark night. Lovely to be on our way. Kit &
Alison here, hello to family and friends. Strange
to think Iona may be getting snow in Hampshire - its shorts and tshirts here,
suncream all round. Vanessa finally got to read her book! We cn
still see the lights of Gomera behind us and those on Hierro off to the
right. Looks like we might have out run the rain squall which was
tthreatening to upset our enjoyment of the sunset at sea. No other boats
in sight and just the sound of the waves to keep us company. Great to be
at sea again. Love to all x