28:05.35N 17:06.46W

Brain of Pooh
Kit Grundy Vanessa Alexander
Mon 4 Jan 2010 18:36
Well we have just sailed to Gomera to get everyone
their sea legs beofre we depart midday tomorrow to the Cape Verde. Great
forecast for the next 7 days so we are expecting a fast but not too rough
passage. Winds N to NE 4 to 5. Expect to arrive at Mindelo on Sao Vicente on
Sunday. All loaded with water food etc. Our next blog will be sent tommorrow
night on our way!
Emily lots of love from me dont forget to send me
e-mail. Sophie Vaneesa sends all her love too. XXXXXX
Alison here! Hello to friends and
family. My first update is from Kit's laptop on my knee (pc on my knee not
me on them) in the marina office as the pontoon they've put us on does not
quite get the wireless connection! we're enjoying thewarm weather which is
quite a change from the cold january I left behind. Have taken a variety
of photos so willupload them to facebook as soon as I can find an internet cafe,
probably in the cape verde islands. Have enjoyed a great couple of days in
Tenerife with local food and friendly folk of all nationalities inn the
marina.. Lots of people going the route we are. Have to go lots to
do. Miss you all. Take care one and all speak soon