42:00S 153:23E
Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Fri 17 Jan 2014 10:14
Well, we are on our 3rd day at sea on our journey from Australia to New Zealand and we have quite a lumpy sea. This is impacting our speed somewhat. There are so many sensitivities on speed: wind speed, wind direction, point of sail, current, tide, swell, sea ....We have the staysail up with a double reefed main to improve the motion. Unfortunately, we are on the lovely port tack which makes everything seem like uphill.
Thankfully, the wind has moved round to the North, so we are able to make a more direct course than yesterday evening.
I think we are all suffering from one of two afflictions:
1. we either have "missinghobart-itis" or,
2. a case of trying to get excited about ocean sailing on a monochrome kind of day when you have just sailed up the Derwent River in all of its splendor and the memories of the Bathurst Channel and Celery Top Island are fresh in your mind. There is nothing to look at, nothing to avoid.. zzzzzz
I think I am suffering from both afflictions. Either way, the cure known as "suck it up sister" or "get a grip Graham". currently, neither cure is working. maybe the effect from the cure will kick in tomorrow.
My excitement for today was a battle with trying to prepare dinner; I managed to cut my finger, mash my knuckle between the swinging gimballed cooker handle and the crash bar (wallas strikes again), and then the piece de resistance, when opening the hatch to let some fresh air in, managed to catch a wave which soaked me (freshly showered an' all), and soak my clothes (freshly put on an' all, after said shower). All this happened in about 20 seconds. it's a wonder we got anything to eat at all. When I dared to ask everybody how dinner tasted, they all said "lovely". right answer, lol.
The other good bit of news for you (as Manager of Communications and Media for team AMOK) is that I have received a complaint about the lack of blogs. Now this is a complaint which I have to take seriously (unlike the one from Scotland). It was actually a very serious complaint, and i was threatened with being fired. The conversation took place when I was in my bunk last night and I didn't feel right up to bounding out of bed to write to you all, regardless of how much love I have for all of you.
But given that nobody else has taken up blog writing since said "firing", I think I am still it. All future complaints to Love {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} com.
Anyway, today has been one of the those days when I have to say "humpf, it's going to be one of those days". My lovely Mom will know exactly what I am talking about. Trust me. I can hear her laughing from here...
I will leave you all with love and laughter ('cos tears give you a massive headache).
xx SS xx
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